NEW ALL CLASSES ARE 1 on 1 training CDL & ELDT Simply scroll down

NEW ALL CLASSES ARE 1 on 1 training CDL & ELDT Simply scroll down
Look around and learn about our ELDT school. We're an Official Federal Training Provider. New laws mandate minimum training at a ELDT school before you take a CDL licensing test. Don't waste good money with the other guys just to find out you can't take the State test.
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[See pricing and services below]
Full ELDT Courses below. We accept: VISA/MASTER Cards, Company checks
Get started NOW
See the STEPS to success below
4 steps below will start you on the way to big money and freedom on the open road!
Step 1. Go to your local license branch and pick up a CDL permit book.
Step 2. Pass the tests for:
General Knowledge, Air Brakes, and Combination vehicles.
Step 3. We can then load those numbers into the new Federal system for you to start class. You need: DL, permit, medical, and tuition ready to bring.
Step 4. Call us (812-789-6306) for a sign up time.
This course the same as a full class but with a personal trainer. All elements of the federal school requirements will be taught. Plus state test skills/drive technics.
All classes have an additional Admin fee federal/state of $365.50
All federal training
This is for towing different types of trailers with large PU, Van, and class B type trucks etc.
Call for more info:
All classes have an additional Admin fee federal/state of $365.50
In this option ELDT school will be 1 week of on-line classroom with 4 weeks in the truck BTW driving/skills training. All federal ELDT and state requirements and technics taught.
All classes have an additional Admin fee federal/state of $365.50
In this option ELDT school will be 1 week of on-line classroom with 2+ weeks in the truck BTW driving/skills training. All federal ELDT and state requirements and technics taught.
All classes have an additional Admin fee federal/state of $365.50
In this option ELDT school will be 1 week of on-line classroom with 2 weeks in the truck BTW driving/skills training. All federal ELDT and state requirements and technics taught.
All classes have an additional Admin fee federal/state of $365.50
We evaluate:
1. Driving safety awareness and skills.
2. Dock and general backing skills and technics.
3. Provide a written evaluation and industry standard for each.
Weekend training prices are on a individual basis.
Call: Jim 812-789-6306
You’re allowed to take some classes separately over time to help with dividing costs.
This will meet and exceed all federal ELDT school requirements. The course will be completed on-line. Certified ELDT instructor will be available. Student must carry a 80% average. Class can be viewed at home or you can use our computer lab.
All required federal ELDT school truck skills will be taught. In addition the 5 state test skills will be trained.
This course will include all federal ELDT school requirements. All ELDT truck driving techniques and prep for the state CDL exam.
We make it easy for on-site ELDT training. Our instructors will travel to you. Call for details 812-789-6306
This is our most popular service
Class includes a complete State test prep. You will be given the test exactly as given by the state with helps and handouts. Basically you will know the answers to everything they look for in scoring. (add on)
1 on 1 in any area of training you need.
This will be an 8 hr block of time. Any and all training areas you want.
Truck rental includes fuel and insurance.
other rental available for training $35 hr. plus instructor fees ($85 per HR)
Official Federal ELDT Training Provider
Vincennes Driving Academy invites you to become one of the schools family of ELDT truck drivers.
You could earn.....
$60-70,000 starting out. Enjoy the open road! See the country through the window of a …
“Big Truck”
ABC TV 2022 commerical
Olympics 2021 NBC commercial
ELDT class and BTW road.
BTW road.
Academy TV promo
We love seeing our customers, so feel free to visit during normal business hours. But I'm available 24/7 text me or leave a msg I will get BACK
2552 South Old Decker Road, Vincennes, Indiana 47591, United States
Today | By Appointment |
Checkout some of these questions. Then call 812-789-6306 or [message us]
February 7th 2022 everyone wanting a commercial drivers license must go to a ELDT school. You will not be able to self train. You will NOT be able to schedule a appointment in any State for a CDL test unless you’ve been through a school. The school MUST be a Federal training provider.
There are so many variables making this hard to answer. Most important is, the ELDT school an official federal training provider on their registry. Some ELDT schools may train all the elements needed but if they’re not on the federal TPR you will not be able to test. Another factor is what % of school graduates pass the State test on the first attempt? We have a 96% pass rate. Our trainers have decades of experience
In just 1 week of on-line classroom videos + 4 weeks ELDT behind the wheel you’ll be ready to test out with the state. We’ve had some students step right into a $60,000 job before finishing class. The demand is great nationwide for CDL graduates.
Well to be honest, that’s a tough one to answer. We do our very best to get applicants in as fast as possible. We offer a lot of different options so it depends on your individual needs. I can promise we will do everything we can to get everyone in quickly.
Different companies donate funds that will be available to the school. Most of them are particle amounts but a few are full scholarships. Example: If your tuition is $4,500 and you can only afford to pay $2,500 or $3,000 then we would check for a $1,500-2,000 scholarship. Remember these are first come first serve donations.
The short answer is yes. Our school is under strict guidelines by the Feds and the State. The main goal is safety for us and you. Our highly experienced trainers know when to go and when to say no.
Nope. We suggest you don’t wear a tux or formal gown tho! But really just common sense street clothes and dress for the seasons. You will be outside working with heavy trucks etc. The only regulation is you must have a closed toe shoe. It does not have to be a steel toed shoe.
You’ll receive a Driving Academy jacket with any prepaid class. When you sign-up for class give them promo code (JT036). some restrictions apply and offer valid to only the first 5 paid students this month.
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